On Wednesday, January 15th, Mark Ryan, President of Bolander, received the Distinguished Member of the Year Award from the Minnesota Builder’s Exchange. Similar to a lifetime achievement award, the Distinguished Member of the Year Award honors an individual who has devoted his or her entire working life to the construction industry, the community and to the Minnesota Builders Exchange.
In response, Mark had this to say to his employees at Bolander:
“On Wednesday I received the Minnesota Builders Exchange “Distinguished Member Award” for 2019. I was honored to receive this award for something that I love – The Construction Industry. I want to thank each one of you for supporting me and Bolander every day that you come to work. We have established a great company with great people!! The award was a total surprise for me and I was humbled to have some of the Bolander Team there when I received the award. I am very proud of Bolander and what we have built and achieved together!!”
From everyone at Bolander, we cannot thank Mark enough for all he has done for Bolander, for the community, and for the Construction Industry.
Thank you Mark!
Not pictured but present: Joey Ryan, Ryan O’Gara, Carisa Johnson, Laura Bjorklund, Sheri Redding, Chad Nelson and Anthony Koop (FPI Paving), and Jim Redpath (Redpath & Associates